CSS "Content" Property in Contrast Modes

The CSS content property can be used to add additional content to your webpage using CSS. Often it is used to add a character, symbol, or font icon before or after some content on webpage. For example, it can be used to add vertical bars to separate items on a horizontal navigation list as depicted by the following HTML and CSS snippets.

  <ul class="topnav">
.topnav {
    color: #00f;
    list-style: none;

.topnav li {
    float: left;

.topnav li::after {
    color: #00f;
    content: "|";
    padding: 0 2rem;

The above example would look like this: A horizontal navigation list with blue text on grey background.

To style this example, a new colour for content should be specified for each contrast. The updated CSS could look like this:

.fl-theme-yb .topnav li::after {
    color: #ff0; /* yellow for yellow-on-black */

.fl-theme-wb .topnav li::after {
    color: #fff;  /* white for white-on-black */

.fl-theme-by .topnav li::after,
.fl-theme-bw .topnav li::after {
    color: #000; /* black for black-on-yellow and black-on-white */

.fl-theme-lgdg .topnav li::after {
    color: #bdbdbb;  /* light grey for light grey on dark grey */

When properly styled, the content value will change according to the contrast theme. Our example would now look like this:

  • A horizontal navigation list with yellow text on black background.
  • A horizontal navigation list with white text on black background.
  • A horizontal navigation list with black text on white background.
  • A horizontal navigation list with black text on yellow background.
  • A horizontal navigation list with light grey text on grey background.