API Changes from 1.5 to 2.0

This page contains a list of the features, APIs, and etc. that have changed in Infusion 2.0.

Framework Changes

Core Framework Changes

This section describes major APIs that were in common use. For information about less widely-used features removed in 2.0, consult Deprecations in 1.5.

Component Grade Changes

  • Replace "fluid.eventedComponent" and "fluid.littleComponent" with "fluid.component"
  • Replace "fluid.standardComponent", "fluid.modelRelayComponent" and "fluid.standardRelayComponent" with "fluid.modelComponent"
  • Replace "fluid.viewRelayComponent" with "fluid.viewComponent"
  • Replace "fluid.rendererRelayComponent" with "fluid.rendererComponent"
  • Remove "autoInit" - it is now the default for every component
  • Order of merging component grades has reversed - grades at the right-hand end of the gradeNames list now take priority over those at the left


fluid.demands has been removed from the framework. Depending on your use case, these uses can be replaced by one or more of:

Manual lifecycle points

The component events preInit, postInit and finalInit have been removed. Instead use listeners to onCreate together with a suitable namespace and priority declaration if necessary.

The component events onAttach and onClear have also been removed.

Dynamic invokers

In Infusion 1.5, standard invokers cached all of their arguments that were not part of {arguments} or {that}.model on their first use, unless they had the annotation dynamic: true. In 2.0, all invoker arguments are evaluated freshly on each invocation, and the dynamic: true annotation is no longer used.

Options distributions

Every component now supports a top-level options area named distributeOptions, which contains records which include priority and namespace entries - consult the page on options distributions for more details.

Progressive Enhancement becomes Context Awareness

The old "progressive enhancement" API has been removed and replaced with a new API ContextAwareness.

Constraint-based priorities

In addition to the old-style numeric and first/last priorities, constraint-based priorities of the form before:namespace and after:namespace are supported on event listeners as well as in numerous other areas of configuration - consult Priorities.


The utility fluid.event.makeEventFirer has been moved to fluid.makeEventFirer and accepts an options structure rather than an argument list.

Model Sharing Changes

In 1.5

In Infusion 1.5, sharing models between non-relay components requires the change applier to be shared as a member option along with the model:

fluid.defaults("fluid.parent", {
    gradeNames: ["fluid.modelComponent"],
    components: {
        child: {
            type: "fluid.modelComponent",
            options: {
                members: {
                    applier: "{parent}.applier"
                model: "{parent}.model"
In 2.0

In Infusion 2.0 where relay components are introduced, the change applier must not be configured separately - model sharing just happens automatically:

fluid.defaults("fluid.parent", {
    gradeNames: ["fluid.modelComponent"],
    components: {
        child: {
            type: "fluid.modelComponent",
            options: {
                model: "{parent}.model"

Model Reference Changes

In Infusion 1.5, the base model reference that.model could be relied upon to be i) an Object, and ii) constant for the lifetime of a component. In Infusion 2.0, this model reference may change at any time and therefore must not be closed over. In addition, that.model may hold any JS type including primitives, null and undefined.

Preferences Framework

Panel Changes

Message Bundle Keys
  • textSizeDescr
  • textFontDescr
  • lineSpaceDescr
  • contrastDescr
choiceLabel speakDescr
choiceLabel tocDescr
choiceLabel simplifyDescr
  • contrastDescr: .flc-prefsEditor-contrast-descr
  • lineSpaceDescr: .flc-prefsEditor-line-space-descr
  • textSizeDescr: .flc-prefsEditor-text-size-descr
  • textFontDescr: .flc-prefsEditor-text-font-descr
choiceLabel: ".flc-prefsEditor-toc-choice-label" tocDescr: ".flc-prefsEditor-toc-descr"
choiceLabel: ".flc-prefsEditor-speak-choice-label" speakDescr: ".flc-prefsEditor-speak-descr"
.heading-text .fl-heading-text

Namespace Changes

Rename "fluid.prefs.enactors" to "fluid.prefs.enactor"

Enactor Changes

  • .fl-font-serif
  • .fl-font-sans
  • .fl-font-monospace
  • .fl-font-courier
  • .fl-toggleButton
  • .fl-theme-prefsEditor-bw
  • .fl-theme-prefsEditor-wb
  • .fl-theme-prefsEditor-by
  • .fl-theme-prefsEditor-yb
  • .fl-theme-prefsEditor-lgdg
In 1.5

In Infusion 1.5, enactors use non-relay components where the declaration of model listeners had not been implemented. Enactors use:

  • The finalInit() function to register model listeners
  • An onCreate listener to apply the initial preference value that the model receives:
fluid.defaults("fluid.prefs.enactor.textSize", {
    gradeNames: ["fluid.viewComponent", "fluid.prefs.enactor"],
    preferenceMap: {
        "fluid.prefs.textSize": {
            "model.value": "default"
    invokers: {
        set: {
            funcName: "fluid.prefs.enactor.textSize.set",
            args: ["{arguments}.0", "{that}"]
    listeners: {
        onCreate: {
            listener: "{that}.set",
            args: "{that}.model.value"

fluid.prefs.enactor.textSize.set = function (value, that) {
    that.root.css("font-size", value + "px");

fluid.prefs.enactor.textSize.finalInit = function (that) {
    that.applier.modelChanged.addListener("value", function (newModel) {
In 2.0

In Infusion 2.0 enactors use model relay components and the finalInit() and the onCreate listener are replaced by declaring a model listener:

fluid.defaults("fluid.prefs.enactor.textSize", {
    gradeNames: ["fluid.viewComponent", "fluid.prefs.enactor"],
    preferenceMap: {
        "fluid.prefs.textSize": {
            "model.value": "default"
    invokers: {
        set: {
            funcName: "fluid.prefs.enactor.textSize.set",
            args: ["{arguments}.0", "{that}"]
    modelListeners: {
        value: {
            listener: "{that}.set",
            args: ["{change}.value"]

fluid.prefs.enactor.textSize.set = function (value, that) {
    that.root.css("font-size", value + "px");

Schema Changes

Specifying a prefsEditor type
In 1.5

In Infusion 1.5, a prefsEditorType option was used to specify the type. The default was "fluid.prefs.separatedPanel".

// using a previous constructed grade
your.constructed.prefsEditor(".container", {
    prefsEditorType: "fluid.prefs.fullNoPreview"

// using fluid.prefs.create to construct the grade
fluid.prefs.create(container, {
    build: {
        gradeNames: ["fluid.prefs.auxSchema.starter"],
        auxiliarySchema: {
            "template": "%prefix/FullNoPreviewPrefsEditor.html",
            "templatePrefix": "../../../../../src/framework/preferences/html/",
            "messagePrefix": "../../../../../src/framework/preferences/messages/",
            "tableOfContents": {
                "enactor": {
                    "tocTemplate": "../../../../../src/components/tableOfContents/html/TableOfContents.html"
    prefsEditor: {
        prefsEditorType: "fluid.prefs.fullNoPreview"
In 2.0

In Infusion 2.0, the prefsEditor type is specified in a grade passed into the prefsEditorLoader via the loaderGrades property in the auxiliarySchema. By default the "fluid.prefs.separatedPanel" grade is applied. Any grade to be applied to the prefsEditorLoader can be passed in; however, you must also supply the type grade as the default will be replaced by any modification.

var auxiliarySchema = {
    "loaderGrades": ["fluid.prefs.fullNoPreview"]
A new "terms" block
In 1.5

In Infusion 1.5, messagePrefix and templatePrefix are root level data defined in the auxiliary schema. When referring to them for locations of message bundles or html templates, a common %prefix is used, which causes confusion.

fluid.defaults("fluid.prefs.auxSchema.starter", {
    gradeNames: ["fluid.prefs.auxSchema", "autoInit"],
    auxiliarySchema: {
        "loaderGrades": ["fluid.prefs.separatedPanel"],
        "namespace": "fluid.prefs.constructed", // The author of the auxiliary schema will provide this and will be the component to call to initialize the constructed PrefsEditor.
        "templatePrefix": "../../framework/preferences/html/",  // The common path to settings panel templates. The template defined in "panels" element will take precedence over this definition.
        "template": "%prefix/SeparatedPanelPrefsEditor.html",
        "messagePrefix": "../../framework/preferences/messages/",  // The common path to settings panel templates. The template defined in "panels" element will take precedence over this definition.
        "message": "%prefix/prefsEditor.json",
        "textSize": {
            "type": "fluid.prefs.textSize",
            "enactor": {
                "type": "fluid.prefs.enactor.textSize"
            "panel": {
                "type": "fluid.prefs.panel.textSize",
                "container": ".flc-prefsEditor-text-size",  // the css selector in the template where the panel is rendered
                "template": "%prefix/PrefsEditorTemplate-textSize.html",
                "message": "%prefix/textSize.json"
        // ...
In 2.0

In Infusion 2.0, both templatePrefix and messagePrefix become sub-elements of a terms block. The terms block is used to define all string templates used by fluid.prefs.resourceLoader. To refer to these terms, rather than using an ambiguous %prefix, use the specific term names such as %templatePrefix or %messagePrefix.

fluid.defaults("fluid.prefs.auxSchema.starter", {
    gradeNames: "fluid.prefs.auxSchema",
    auxiliarySchema: {
        "loaderGrades": ["fluid.prefs.separatedPanel"],
        "namespace": "fluid.prefs.constructed", // The author of the auxiliary schema will provide this and will be the component to call to initialize the constructed PrefsEditor.
        "terms": {
            "templatePrefix": "../../framework/preferences/html",  // Must match the keyword used below to identify the common path to settings panel templates.
            "messagePrefix": "../../framework/preferences/messages"  // Must match the keyword used below to identify the common path to message files.
        "template": "%templatePrefix/SeparatedPanelPrefsEditor.html",
        "message": "%messagePrefix/prefsEditor.json",
        "textSize": {
            "type": "fluid.prefs.textSize",
            "enactor": {
                "type": "fluid.prefs.enactor.textSize"
            "panel": {
                "type": "fluid.prefs.panel.textSize",
                "container": ".flc-prefsEditor-text-size",  // the css selector in the template where the panel is rendered
                "template": "%templatePrefix/PrefsEditorTemplate-textSize.html",
                "message": "%messagePrefix/textSize.json"
        // ...

PrefsEditor Changes

  • .flc-prefsEditor-separatedPanel-tabs
  • .flc-prefsEditor-controls
  • .fl-prefsEditor-option-description
  • .fl-prefsEditor-separatedPanel-toc
  • .fl-prefsEditor-text-icon
  • .fl-prefsEditor-layout-icon
  • .fl-prefsEditor-links-icon
  • .fl-prefsEditor-save
  • .fl-prefsEditor-cancel
  • .fl-icon-lines
  • .fl-icon-preferences
  • .fl-icon-next
  • .fl-icon-prev
  • .fl-icon-speak
A new model path "preferences"
In 1.5

In Infusion 1.5, all preferences reside at the root of the prefsEditor component's model.

 * Starter root Model
 * Provides the default values for the starter enhancer/panels models

fluid.defaults("fluid.prefs.initialModel.starter", {
    gradeNames: ["fluid.prefs.initialModel", "autoInit"],
    members: {
        initialModel: {
            textFont: "default",          // key from classname map
            theme: "default",             // key from classname map
            textSize: 1,                  // in points
            lineSpace: 1,                 // in ems
            toc: false,                   // boolean
            links: false,                 // boolean
            inputsLarger: false           // boolean
In 2.0

In Infusion 2.0, preferences are moved to a model path named preferences so the prefsEditor model can be used to save other user data as well. This means that the enhancer model no longer receives the entire prefsEditor model. It only receives the value held at the path preferences.

 * Starter prefsEditor Model
 * Provides the default values for the starter prefsEditor model

fluid.defaults("fluid.prefs.initialModel.starter", {
    gradeNames: "fluid.prefs.initialModel",
    members: {
        initialModel: {
            preferences: {
                textFont: "default",          // key from classname map
                theme: "default",             // key from classname map
                textSize: 1,                  // in points
                lineSpace: 1,                 // in ems
                toc: false,                   // boolean
                links: false,                 // boolean
                inputsLarger: false           // boolean