Getting User Interface Options

Outlined below are a few common methods for retrieiving UI Options for use in your project. Please review each option to determine which is best for your project.

Using npm

Many JavaScript projects make use of NPM for sourcing their dependencies and distributing their own packages. If your project is already using NPM this will likely be the easiest to setup and generally the easiest way to manage and track versions.

To install the latest version of Infusion:

npm i infusion

To install a specific version of Infusion:

# Retrieves a particular version of Infustion
npm i infusion@v2.0.0

# The most recent dev release
npm i infusion@dev

# A specific dev release
npm i infusion@3.0.0-dev.20200326T173810Z.24ddb2718

Once infusion is installed, you can find different builds within the ./node_modules/infusion/dist/ directory. If you will only be using UI Options, the infusion-uio.js build includes just UI Options and its related JavaScript dependencies. Additionally, you'll also need access to resources from ./node_modules/infusion/src; such as CSS, HTML templates, JSON Message bundles, and Fonts. Most of these reside in ./node_modules/src/framework/preferences. Depending on your setup you may be able to server from the ./nodue_modules directory directly, or need to copy the necessary resources to another served location in your project.

Prebundled Zip package

This method will download and install the last published release of Infusion. These are typically only generated for stable releases and published to the GitHub relase page. If you are not using NPM and want to only use a published stable release, this is a good option.

  1. Download the latest Infusion UI Options Zip package from the Infusion Releases page. There are different packages of Infusion - download the file starting with if you are only interested in UI Options.
  2. Unzip the contents of the downloaded ZIP file to a location within your project.
    Note: In this guide we will use the directory `my-project/lib/infusion`.
  3. Your infusion directory will include a single file containing all of the JavaScript you need (infusion-uio.js), HTML templates, CSS files, and other components to get UI Options to work. You will later link to these files in your HTML files.
  4. Now that infusion is in your project directory, you can delete the (or similar name) from your download directory.

Create your own build

In this method, you'll be generating your own build straight from Infusion's source. The process isn't complicated but will require you to checkout the Infusion's code base and install all depedencies and dev dependencies as you would if you were developing Infusion. The benefit is that you can generate other types of custom builds that may not be offered in the dists or prebundled zip packages. You'll also be able to generate builds at your discretion, for example between releases. However, you'll need to treat the output like you would with the prebundled zip packages, unless you push up the results to somewhere NPM accessible on your own.

Note: While the Fluid community strives to keep `main` in a working state, we don't recommend this approach for most production environments. Stable release are the most thoroughly tested. Dev releases have been partially vetted and are recommended when you need to use a more recent version.
Note: If using the latest development source, there may be some differences in documentation, or instances where documentation does not yet exist.

Requirements: node, npm

  1. Run git clone to copy the Infusion GitHub repository to your local filesystem. This will create a directory infusion containing the Infusion source code.
    1. This will pull down the latest version from the main branch. You can switch to another branch or other revision using git checkout; however, the build instructions may be different depending on the point in history you land on.
  2. Run npm install within the infusion directory to get the needed dependencies.
  3. Build using npm run build:pkg:custom -- --include="fluid-ui-options" --name="uio" to create a version of Infusion with UI Options. The output will be in the infusion/build/ and infusion/products directories. The Infusion README file contains more information on creating custom builds.
Note: You can also generate dist builds by running `npm run build`; however these won't be accessible through NPM unless you push them somewhere NPM accessible like publishing to NPM or committed to a GitHub repo.

Summary of commands:

git clone
cd infusion
npm install
npm run build:pkg:custom -- --include="fluid-ui-options" --name="uio"

Adding UI Options to projects

After obtaining Infusion with UI Options using one of the methods above, visit Setting Up User Interface Options how-to guide for instructions on adding UI Options to a project.