Developer Introduction to the Infusion Framework - Subcomponents and Model Relaying

A component can include other components within its configuration; these are referred to in Infusion as subcomponents.

It's also common to want related components to coordinate state through their models; we can handle this through the model relay features.

The evolving "Hello, World!" component below splits out the two "hello" functions (console and web page) into separate subcomponents, and synchronizes the "hello" message through model relay. We'll also update the web page display to use a model listener to respond to model changes.

Note: You can check out the Live Example of the code below on CodePen
fluid.defaults("fluidTutorial.helloWorld", {
    gradeNames: ["fluid.viewComponent"],
    model: {
        message: "Hello, World!"
    selectors: {
        messageArea: ".flc-messageArea"
    // Subcomponents are defined here
    components: {
        consoleHello: {
            // The type must be an existing grade
            type: "fluid.modelComponent",
            // Configuration options for a subcomponent go under the
            // 'options' key
            options: {
                model: {
                    // "{helloWorld}.model.message" is an IoC
                    // reference to the parent fluidTutorial.helloWorld
                    // component's message value
                    // The framework handles two-way synchronization
                    // between the models automatically in this form;
                    // many other forms are possible, including
                    // ones that transform a value before it is
                    // relayed
                    message: "{helloWorld}.model.message"
                modelListeners: {
                    message: "{that}.sayHello"
                invokers: {
                    sayHello: {
                        funcName: "fluidTutorial.helloWorld.consoleHello",
                        // Here, "{that}" means the context of the current
                        // component configuration of this block (consoleHello)
                        args: ["{that}.model.message"]
        displayHello: {
            type: "fluid.modelComponent",
            options: {
                model: {
                    message: "{helloWorld}.model.message"
                modelListeners: {
                    message: "{that}.displayHello"
                invokers: {
                    displayHello: {
                        "this": "{helloWorld}.dom.messageArea",
                        method: "html",
                        args: ["{that}.model.message"]

fluidTutorial.helloWorld.consoleHello = function (message) {

Now, when we use the ChangeApplier's change function to update the message on the parent component model, we'll see both the console and the web page display update, as the change to the parent component model's message value is propagated to the message value of each subcomponent's model, which triggers to the model listeners of each to invoke the "hello!" functions.

helloWorld.applier.change("message", "Hello, again, world.");

Next: Restructuring Components