Integrating UI Options Styling Preferences

Enactors modify a website to meet the preferences specified through UI Options. However, not all enactors modify the styling of a website. For those that do, stylesheets are provided in src/framework/preferences/css/ to facilitate this application. Each styling related enactor will provide its own stylesheet(s), so that an integrator can import only the styles for the enactors they are using in their particular configuration. Alternatively the Enactors.css or Enactors_base.css stylesheets can be used to quickly access all of the available styling enactors styles.


The styles for UI Options are written in Sass, using SCSS syntax. All of the related Sass files are contained within the src/framework/preferences/css/sass and compiled into CSS through the build:sass build step; which is automatically run for builds of Infusion. These stylesheets are used to style the Preference Editors as well provide the means for applying enactor styles to a website. The Sass files may be used directly within an integrator's own build tools. Additionally the pre-compiled CSS equivalents are provided at src/framework/preferences/css/ of the published npm package and release zip bundles.

Note: src/framework/preferences/css/sass/utils/ contains Sass partials with mixins for other Sass files to import. These files are not compiled into CSS.

Note: using Sass files directly has been deprecated. In the future the sass file will likely be removed and only css files may be provided.

Enactor Stylesheets

Base Stylesheets

The styling related enactors use CSS custom properties as hooks for applying the styling. Some enactors such as Text Size, set their CSS custom properties (e.g. --fl-textSize) via JavaScript, others supply them via classes in their related *_base stylesheet. For example the Enhance Inputs preference sets the class fl-input-enhanced and uses the EnhanceInputs_base.css stylesheet. An integrator can hook into the enactor's CSS custom properties to implement their own styles, allowing the site to automatically adapt along with the preference changes.

/* set font size of the main element with the `--fl-textSize` custom property if it's set */
main {
    font-size: var(--fl-textSize, 1rem);

/* scale the font-size of the my-custom-input class when enhance inputs is enabled */
.my-custom-input {
    font-size: calc(var(--fl-enhance-font-size-factor, 1) * 1.3rem);

Drop-in Style Application

To allow for quicker initial integration with UI Options, an integrator may choose to use the drop-in stylesheets, which will additionally provide a set of pre-designed styles to apply the preference. For example the Enhance Inputs preference provides the EnhanceInputs.css stylesheet. Enactors.css will provide the complete set of enactors styles with their application.

Note: The drop-in styles are necessarily heavy handed, and include !important to attempt to override default styles. If the drop-in styles need to be overridden, it may be better to use the *_base stylesheets and build up custom styles for the site.

Custom Drop-in Stylesheet

You may find that for your particular application that you would like to have some control over the styling of your website, but are not yet able to fully integrate the CSS custom properties from the base stylesheets. In this case you could replicate the functionality of the Drop-in stylesheets for those parts you need to use overrides for in your own styles.

For this it's best to review how the drop-in stylesheets are generated, but in short they make aggressive use of the !important flag to attempt to give the declarations the highest level precedence. You can follow a similar approach, or use other appropriate mechanisms for your given application.

For example:

/* When the text size preference is set, set the font-size to the value
from --fl-textSize */
.fl-textSize-enabled {
    font-size: var(--fl-textSize) !important;

CSS Custom Properties

Sizing and Factors

The enactors that provide sizing adjustments follow a convention where a related -factor suffixed custom property is also provided. The purpose is to provide a means for scaling your existing styles, rather than applying a specific value.

For example, when the Line Spacing preference is adjusted, the value is a multiplier of the initial line-height value (typically this is 1.2). If the Line Spacing is set to 1.5 the --fl-lineSpace is set to 1.8; (1.2 * 1.5). The --fl-lineSpace-factor is set to the multiplier value of 1.5.

main {
    /* sets a specific line-height */
    line-height: var(--fl-lineSpace); /* evaluates to 1.8 */

main .intro {
    /* scales line-height based on the original value */
    line-height: calc(var(--fl-lineSpace-factor, 1) * 1.3); /* evaluates to 1.95 */



The contrast CSS custom properties are set when one of the contrast classes (e.g. .fl-theme-bw) is applied.

  • --fl-fgColor: foreground colour, often text colour
  • --fl-bgColor: background colour
  • --fl-linkColor: text colour for links (deprecated: use --fl-linkFgColor)
  • --fl-linkFgColor: text colour for links
  • --fl-linkBgColor: background colour for links
  • --fl-disabledColor: text colour for disabled inputs (deprecated: use --fl-disabledFgColor)
  • --fl-disabledFgColor: text colour for disabled inputs
  • --fl-disabledBgColor: background colour for disabled inputs
  • --fl-selectedFgColor: colour for selected text
  • --fl-selectedBgColor: selection background colour
  • --fl-buttonFgColor: text colour for buttons
  • --fl-buttonBgColor: background colour for buttons

Enhance Inputs

The CSS Custom properties added by the .fl-input-enhanced class:

  • --fl-enhance-font-size-factor: (default is 1.25) the factor of the font-size increase, can be used with calc.
  • --fl-enhance-font-size: (default is 125%) the font-size value
  • --fl-enhance-font-weight: (default is bold) font-weight value
  • --fl-enhance-text-decoration: (default is underline) the text-decoration value. Used to enhance links.


Makes use of the src/framework/preferences/css/sass/utils/_fonts.scss partial; which may be useful if defining custom fonts for use with the UI Options, in your own Sass build.

The following custom property is set when one of the font classes (e.g. fl-font-arial) is applied.

  • --fl-font-family: the font family to apply

Letter Space

Set programmatically with JavaScript on the enactor's container element, usually the body.

  • --fl-letterSpace-factor: the factor of the letter space change, can be used with calc.
  • --fl-letterSpace: the letter-spacing value

Line Space

Set programmatically with JavaScript on the enactor's container element, usually the body.

  • --fl-lineSpace-factor: the factor of the line height change, can be used with calc.
  • --fl-lineSpace: the line-height value

Text Size

Set programmatically with JavaScript on the enactor's container element, usually the body.

  • --fl-textSize-factor: the factor of the font size change, can be used with calc.
  • --fl-textSize: the font-size value

Word Space

Set programmatically with JavaScript on the enactor's container element, usually the body.

  • --fl-wordSpace-factor: the factor of the word-spacing change, can be used with calc.
  • --fl-wordSpace: the word-spacing value