API Changes from 3.0 to 4.0

This page contains a list of the features, APIs, and etc. that have changed in Infusion 4.0.

Framework Changes

Core Framework Changes


The DataSource implementation was refactored around two pseudoevents onRead and onWrite as described in the DataSource API.

A browser implementation of fluid.dataSource.url has been provided, based on the XMLHttpRequest API. Previously this was only supported in node.js.

Fluid View

A few undocumented utilities, fluid.dom.isContainer and fluid.dom.getElementText were removed. Use the standard browser APIs element.contains and element.innerText instead.


The href field in a ResourceSpec structure should be changed to url

Component options

All component options are immutable after component construction. A failure will occur on attempting to modify them.

Preferences Framework / UI Options (UIO)


Instantiation of UI Options and Preferences Framework has been consolidated and simplified. In Infusion 3, it was recommended to use fluid.uiOptions.prefsEditor to instantiate UI Options and if a customized instance of a Preference Editor was needed, it was recommended to use fluid.prefs.create. In Infusion 4 these components have been removed. Rather a Preference Editor can be instantiated and customized as needed using fluid.uiOptions. By default this is configured with the same set of starter preferences as UI Options has used in the past.


With fluid.uiOptions being more generalized than its predecessor, it no longer makes assumptions about which preferences it will work with. This means that configuration may no longer be hoisted to the top level; preferences and enactors are configured through the auxiliarySchema top level option, and the preference editor itself is configured through the prefsEditorLoader or prefsEditor top level options.

For customizing the available set of preferences, it is no longer required to pass in auxiliary schema grades. In Infusion 4.0 the top level option preferences takes an array of preference names.

UI Options In Infusion 3.0

fluid.uiOptions.prefsEditor(".flc-prefsEditor-separatedPanel", {
    lazyLoad: true,
    terms: {
        "templatePrefix": "../../src/framework/preferences/html",
        "messagePrefix": "../../src/framework/preferences/messages"
    "tocTemplate": "../../src/components/tableOfContents/html/TableOfContents.html",
    "tocMessage": "../../src/framework/preferences/messages/tableOfContents-enactor.json",
    "ignoreForToC": {
        "overviewPanel": ".flc-overviewPanel"

UI Options (default) Infusion 4.0

fluid.uiOptions(".flc-prefsEditor-separatedPanel", {
    auxiliarySchema: {
        terms: {
            templatePrefix: "../../src/framework/preferences/html",
            messagePrefix: "../../src/framework/preferences/messages"
        "fluid.prefs.tableOfContents": {
            enactor: {
                tocTemplate: "../../src/components/tableOfContents/html/TableOfContents.html",
                tocMessage: "../../src/framework/preferences/messages/tableOfContents-enactor.json",
                ignoreForToC: {
                    overviewPanel: ".flc-overviewPanel"
    prefsEditorLoader: {
        lazyLoad: true

Preferences Framework In Infusion 3.0

fluid.prefs.create(".flc-prefsEditor-separatedPanel", {
    build: {
        gradeNames: [
        auxiliarySchema: {
            terms: {
                templatePrefix: "../../src/framework/preferences/html",
                messagePrefix: "../../src/framework/preferences/messages"

UI Options (customized) In Infusion 4.0

fluid.uiOptions(".flc-prefsEditor-separatedPanel", {
    preferences: [
    auxiliarySchema: {
        terms: {
            templatePrefix: "../../src/framework/preferences/html",
            messagePrefix: "../../src/framework/preferences/messages"

Auxiliary Schema

Auxiliary Schemas are still used for defining/configuring a preference, but have been slightly restructured. Each preference is keyed off of the preference name (e.g. fluid.prefs.letterSpace) rather than an alias (e.g. letterSpace). This makes it easier to know the path the configure when supplying overrides. The auxillary schemas are no longer concerned with the configuration of the Preference Editor itself, and the parts of individual preferences can be used in a modular fashion. For example, in Infusion 3, it wasn't easy to use a subset of the "starter" preferences.

Example Auxiliary Schema in Infusion 3.0

fluid.defaults("fluid.prefs.auxSchema.letterSpace", {
    gradeNames: ["fluid.prefs.auxSchema"],
    auxiliarySchema: {
        "namespace": "fluid.prefs.constructed",
        "terms": {
            "templatePrefix": "../../framework/preferences/html/",
            "messagePrefix": "../../framework/preferences/messages/"
        "template": "%templatePrefix/SeparatedPanelPrefsEditor.html",
        "message": "%messagePrefix/prefsEditor.json",

        letterSpace: {
            type: "fluid.prefs.letterSpace",
            enactor: {
                type: "fluid.prefs.enactor.letterSpace",
                fontSizeMap: {
                    "xx-small": "9px",
                    "x-small": "11px",
                    "small": "13px",
                    "medium": "15px",
                    "large": "18px",
                    "x-large": "23px",
                    "xx-large": "30px"
            panel: {
                type: "fluid.prefs.panel.letterSpace",
                container: ".flc-prefsEditor-letter-space",
                template: "%templatePrefix/PrefsEditorTemplate-letterSpace.html",
                message: "%messagePrefix/letterSpace.json"

Example Auxiliary Schema in Infusion 4.0

fluid.defaults("fluid.prefs.auxSchema.letterSpace", {
    gradeNames: ["fluid.prefs.auxSchema"],
    auxiliarySchema: {
        "fluid.prefs.letterSpace": {
            enactor: {
                type: "fluid.prefs.enactor.letterSpace",
                fontSizeMap: {
                    "xx-small": "9px",
                    "x-small": "11px",
                    "small": "13px",
                    "medium": "15px",
                    "large": "18px",
                    "x-large": "23px",
                    "xx-large": "30px"
            panel: {
                type: "fluid.prefs.panel.letterSpace",
                container: ".flc-prefsEditor-letter-space",
                template: "%templatePrefix/PrefsEditorTemplate-letterSpace.html",
                message: "%messagePrefix/letterSpace.json"

Contrast themes

Infusion 3 introduced CSS Custom Properties for styling the contrast themes. Infusion 4 has expanded the use of CSS Custom Properties for all enactor styling (see: Integrating UI Options Styling Preferences). Of note, is that all of the contrast themes now supply values for all of the contrast related CSS Custom Properties. By supplying values for all of the properties, it makes it easier to just use the new "Base" style sheets without having to supply your own fallbacks to handle the various conditions that each css custom property would be used for.

Light Gray Dark Gray theme in Infusion 3.0

.fl-theme-lgdg {
    --fl-fgColor: #bdbdbb;
    --fl-bgColor: #555;

Light Gray Dark Gray theme in Infusion 4.0

.fl-theme-lgdg {
    --fl-fgColor: #bdbdbb;
    --fl-bgColor: #555;
    --fl-linkColor: #bdbdbb;
    --fl-selectedFgColor: revert;
    --fl-selectedBgColor: revert;
    --fl-buttonFgColor: #bdbdbb;
    --fl-buttonBgColor: #555;