Declarative this-ism in IoC

Typically in Infusion, all functions and components adhere to a that-ist approach. This approach implies that the meaning of any function value remains the same, however the function is invoked. This is in contrast to the this-ist approach used frequently in JavaScript code, where the context of a function (the value of this within its body) depends on where the caller has stored it before invoking it. When working with Infusion, there are times when you will need to interact with a library and or function that requires a this, which is a keyword typically intended to refer back to itself. The most common example would be using a jQuery element.

For more details on the differences between that-ist and this-ist approaches, as well as the reasoning behind why Infusion employs the former, see the About this and that blog post.


A this-ist function can be declaratively bound to invokers and listeners in an IoC tree and takes the following structure:

    "this": "{that}.dom.elm",
    "method": "click",
    "args": ["console.log"]
Property Description

The this required by the function; the object that the function will be called on. Note that this property name must include the quotes (" ").

e.g. a jQuery object


The name of the function to be called.

e.g. a jQuery function like "click"

args (Optional) The argument or array of arguments to be passed into the function. This can include IoC References and expanders, in addition to strings, objects, booleans, etc.
namespace (Optional)


In the following example, a this-ist function is used to attach a listener to the onCreate events: The jQuery click() function of the button identified by the button selector is used to bind the component's writeText() method to the click event.

fluid.defaults("demo.hw", {
    gradeNames: ["fluid.viewComponent"],
    selectors: {
        button: "demo-hw-button",
        title: "demo-hw-title"
    strings: {
        title: "Hello World!"
    invokers: {
        // writes the supplied string to the title element
        writeText: {
            "this": "{that}.dom.title",
            "method": "text",
            "args": ["{that}.options.strings.title"]
    listeners: {
        // binds a click handler to the button element
        onCreate: {
            "this": "{that}.dom.button",
            "method": "click",
            "args": ["{that}.writeText"]

In the following example, taken from the Infusion Table of Contents component, this-ist functions are used to attach methods to the component object in the invokers option.

fluid.defaults("fluid.tableOfContents", {
    gradeNames: ["fluid.viewComponent"],
    // ...
    invokers: {
        // ...
        hide: {
            "this": "{that}.dom.tocContainer",
            "method": "hide"
        show: {
            "this": "{that}.dom.tocContainer",
            "method": "show"

In the following example, taken from the Infusion Inline Edit component, a this-ist function is used to invoke the init function on the tinyMCE object associated with the component as a listener on the onCreate event.

fluid.defaults("fluid.inlineEdit.tinyMCE", {
    gradeNames: ["fluid.inlineEdit"],
    listeners: {
        onCreate: {
            "this": "tinyMCE",
            method: "init",
            namespace: "initTinyMCE",
            args: "{that}.options.tinyMCE"
    // ...

In the following example, taken from the Infusion Pager component, a this-ist function is used to set the container's role attribute to "application" using the jQuery attr() function.

fluid.defaults("fluid.pager", {
    gradeNames: ["fluid.viewComponent"],
    // ...
    listeners: {
        onCreate: {
            "this": "{that}.container",
            method: "attr",
            args: ["role", "application"]
        // ...