DataSource API

The DataSource component provides a workflow for getting/setting (read/write) data from a data source (an external database, cookie, in memory storage and etc). The specifics for accessing the data source must be provided in a concrete implementation. Additionally the payload of a request may be configured to be processed through an encoding/decoding step and other transformations during the get and set workflows.

Concrete DataSource implementations include fluid.dataSource.url which read and write data over HTTP both in the browser and in node.js, as well as kettle.dataSource.file available in node.js acting on the filesystem, and fluid.prefs.cookieStore which acts on cookies in the browser. Mixin grades include kettle.dataSource.CouchDB which is capable of imbuing a core DataSource with CouchDB-like persistence semantics. Grades in the kettle namespace are provided in Infusion's node.js companion project Kettle.

Note: A browser implementation of fluid.dataSource.url is only available in the upcoming Infusion 4.x.

The workflow of a DataSource operates Infusion's transforming promise chain algorithm for operating an open pipeline of functions which collaborate to asynchronously transform a data payload connecting sources and sinks of data.

How to use a DataSource

A DataSource is implemented by a component derived from the grade fluid.dataSource, or, in addition, fluid.dataSource.writable if the DataSource is writable.

A read-only DataSource allows data to be read using the invoker get, whereas a writable DataSource in addition allows data to be written using the invoker set. These each accept a configuration object named directModel as the first argument, encoding the coordinates of the data to be read or written.

get(directModel, options)

Fetches data from the dataSource, returning a promise yielding the fetched data.

  • directModel {Object} The direct model expressing the "coordinates" of the model to be fetched
  • options {Object} A structure of options configuring the action of this get request - many of these will be specific to the particular concrete DataSource

By default get is concretely implemented with fluid.dataSource.get which operates the core "transforming promise workflow". The initial listener provides the initial payload; which then proceeds through the transform chain to arrive at the final payload. A promise is returned with the final resolved payload.


Consider a simple in-memory read-only dataSource that contains the model data:

    "foo": {
        "bar": "baz"

For this dataSource, the directModel simply takes the form of a path indexing into the model using fluid.get.

The following call to get,


would return a promise yielding:

    "bar": "baz"

set(directModel, model, options)

Sends data to the configured dataSource. May return a promise yielding the write response from the dataSource.

  • directModel {Object} The direct model expressing the "coordinates" of the model to be written
  • model {Object} The payload to be written to the dataSource
  • options {Object} A structure of options configuring the action of this set request - many of these will be specific to the particular concrete DataSource

By default set is concretely implemented with fluid.dataSource.set which operates the core "transforming promise workflow". Any return from this is then pushed forwards through a range of the transforms (typically, just decoding it as JSON) on its way back to the user via the onWriteResponse event. A promise for the final resolved payload may be returned.


Consider a simple in-memory dataSource that contains the model data:

    "foo": {
        "bar": "baz"

Corresponding to the read-only API dataSource, the directModel of this dataSource accessed via set takes the form of path expressions dispatched to fluid.set.

The following call to set,

dataSource.set(["foo", "bar"], "qux");

could return a promise yielding:

    "foo": {
        "bar": "qux"

Implementing or customising a DataSource

There are two core base grades fluid.dataSource and fluid.dataSource.writable. fluid.dataSource contains the base configuration and includes configuration for getting (reading) from a data source. fluid.dataSource.writable adds the configuration for setting (writing) to a data source. Instances of fluid.dataSource will need to provide a concrete handler for the "onRead.impl" and those using fluid.dataSource.writable will also need to add one for the "onWrite.impl" listener.

fluid.defaults("my.component", {
    components: {
        dataSource: {
            type: "fluid.dataSource",
            options: {
                writableGrade: "fluid.dataSource.writable",
                writable: true,
                listeners: {
                    // these would point at concrete implementations for performing the read and write operations.
                    "onRead.impl": "my.component.doRead",
                    "onWrite.impl": "my.component.doWrite"

When implementing a new kind of dataSource, where reading and writing functionality are needed, the fluid.dataSource and fluid.dataSource.writable grades can be used as base grades.

fluid.defaults("my.dataSource", {
    gradeNames: ["fluid.dataSource"],
    writableGrade: "my.dataSource.writable",
    listeners: {
        // thise would point at a concrete implementation for performing the read operation.
        "onRead.impl": "my.component.doRead"
    // add grade specific configuration

fluid.defaults("my.dataSource.writable", {
    gradeNames: ["fluid.dataSource.writable"],
    listeners: {
        // thise would point at a concrete implementation for performing the write operation.
        "onWrite.impl": "my.component.doWrite"
    // add grade specific configuration

fluid.defaults("my.component", {
    components: {
        dataSource: {
            type: "my.dataSource",
            options: {
                writable: true // Enables the data source's set function


During the get (read) and set (write) workflows, onRead and onWrite synthetic events are provided and usable as handles for encoding and transforming the payload; for example serializing and deserializing the payload on its way to and from a server. The encoding/decoding is implemented by a supplied encoding component which includes parse and render methods. For get the data is run through parse. For set, the data is run through render when being sent to the server, and any returned values are sent through parse.

Two encoding classes are provided for use, fluid.dataSource.encoding.JSON (serializes/deserializes JSON data) and fluid.dataSource.encoding.none (provides no encoding/decoding transformation). However, other encoder subcomponents can be implemented and configured into the dataSource.

The onRead, onWrite, and onWriteResponse event sequences can be used to further modify the data, in addition to the specific encoding transformations. Because the encoding happens as part of these event sequences, other transformations may be added before or after the encoding phase. For example providing modelTransformations before/after serializing/deserializing JSON.

Standalone utilities packaged with DataSources


Deserializes a JSON string into a proper JavaScript object and returns a promise for the result.

  • string: {String} The JSON string to be deserialized
  • Returns: {Promise} If there is an error, the promise will be rejected and contain the error message. Otherwise the promise will be resolved with the JavaScript object or undefined if the string value is falsey.


Serializes a JavaScript object into a JSON string.

  • obj: {Object} The JavaScript object to be serialized
  • Returns: {String} If the object is undefined, an empty string is returned.