Deprecations in 1.5

This page contains a list of the features, API's, and etc. that were deprecated in Infusion 1.5, and removed in Infusion 2.0.

Deprecated Alternative
FSS There are no CSS Framework requirements for working with Infusion. Infusion's strategy going forward will be to use custom CSS for component specific styling and Foundation for demos, as needed.
demands Use distributeOptions and/or dynamic grades instead
grade linkage operated by the fluid.applyGradeLinkage grade Use distributeOptions and/or dynamic grades instead
components which aren't autoInit
returning non-component material from a creator functions
manually attaching components to trees
manual lifecycle points:
  • preInit
  • postInit
  • finalInit
Use listeners and modelListeners
manual component initialization (e.g. fluid.initLittleComponent and fluid.initViewComponent) Use grades and autoInit
Legacy IoC expressions
  • "@1"
  • etc.
returnedPath and returnedOptions
changeApplier and model features
  • changeApplier events guards and postGuards
  • changeApplier event type MERGE
  • fluid.makeSuperApplier
  • fluid.model.copyModel
  • mergePolicy: preserve
Use fluid.copy to copy models.
Event features:
  • fluid.event.getEventFier
  • unicast events
Use fluid.makeEventFier instead of fluid.event.getEventFier; however, the signature for this method may change in 2.0.
Progress events and callbacks:
  • onProgressBegin
  • afterProgressHidden
  • fluid.model.setBeanValue
  • fluid.model.getBeanValue
  • fluid.model.set
  • fluid.model.get
fluid.lightbox fluid.imageReorderer
Path utilities in DataBinding.js Removed from Infusion 1.5
fl-ProgEnhance-basic class name fl-progEnhance-basic
Renderer API The Renderer is likely to undergo large scale changes.