Infusion node.js Support and API

Infusion's core API and IoC system are fully supported in node.js. Infusion is supplied with a standard package.json file and registered as a module in npm's registry. Infusion's global namespace model, as operated through functions such as fluid.registerNamespace and fluid.defaults, requires some care in the node.js environment which makes significant efforts to balkanise modules one from another, and to ensure that precisely this kind of thing never occurs — reference to artifacts held in a single, shared global namespace.

Accessing and exporting global names

Given that node.js ensures that each module's global object is scrubbed clean of any potentially contaminating references, you will need to make liberal use of Infusion's fluid.registerNamespace API in order to import such references back into your scope. Statements like

var colin = fluid.registerNamespace("colin");

are common in the preamble to node-aware, Infusion-aware .js files. Note that you will still need to make calls to node.js's standard require implementation if the code or definitions you wish to reference have not been loaded into the system at all. The recommended pattern is for a package with npm name colin to make an export of the same value that will be assigned to the global namespace colin in its implementation — e.g.

var colin = fluid.registerNamespace("colin");

// Add definitions to namespace colin, either directly or via fluid.defaults

module.exports = colin;

is a standard pattern for a module named colin — ensuring that the results of var colin = require("colin") and var colin = fluid.registerNamespace("colin") will coincide in client code.

node.js module APIs

Infusion includes a few small utilities to ease the process of working with a node/npm module layout:

fluid.module.register(name, baseDir, moduleRequire)

This is an intensely useful method that will allow you to register your Infusion-aware module and its base path in Infusion's global registry of modules. This will allow you, for example, to later issue a call to fluid.require("%myModule/myPath") for any asset nested within that module, regardless of its location in the filesystem. Other productive uses of such records are imaginable — for example, issuing require directives for modules from their point of view, resolving cyclic references between modules, etc.

  • name {String} The name of your module. This should agree with its name in the npm registry.
  • baseDir {String} The base directory of your module. This should be the value of __dirname in its root directory.
  • moduleRequire {Require} This should be the value of require handed to you by node's own module loader.


Resolve a path expression which may begin with a module reference of the form %module-name into an absolute path. Note that more modules are resolvable here than were necessarily registered with fluid.module.register — on startup, Infusion's node module will "pre-inspect" its filesystem path to the root in order to discover anything which plausibly looks like a module root — that is, it will recognise a package.json file which need not necessarily have a grandparent path of node_nodules. If the supplied path does not begin with such a module reference, it is returned unchanged.

  • path {String} A path expression to be resolved, perhaps containing symbolic module references such as %module-name
  • Returns: {String} The path expression with any symbolic module references resolved against the fluid.module.modules database

fluid.require(moduleName[, foreignRequire, namespace])

Issues node's require against a possibly symbolic path, and possibly also install the result at a particular global namespace path from the point of view of Infusion.

  • moduleName {String} A string to be supplied to node's require, possibly starting with a module reference of the form %module-name to indicate a base reference into an already loaded module that was previously registered using fluid.module.register.
  • foreignRequire {Require} The instance of require to be operated after the module name has been interpolated. If omitted, defaults to Infusion's own require (which may not be able to see everything you can, as a result of its different position in the module tree)
  • namespace {String} If this is supplied, the returned value from require will be written into Infusion's global namespace by using the fluid.setGlobalValue API.


Holds for public inspection Infusion's records of modules as registered via fluid.module.register. This will be a hash of moduleName to records of the following form:

  • baseDir {String} the baseDir argument supplied to fluid.module.register for this module
  • require {Require} the moduleRequire argument supplied to fluid.module.register for this module

Global nature of Infusion and self-deduping

It is essential that just a single instance of Infusion's node module is present in an application's module tree. This is essential for Infusion because of its global nature — duplicate modules will result in some grade definitions being sent to one Infusion instance and some to another, resulting in "global chaos". Normally npm's standard deduplication algorithm is sufficient, but it can often fail in the case of version mismatches or else in the case the dependency is hosted from git. Infusion applies a special algorithm at the point one issues require("infusion") to hunt upwards through the current module tree for the copy of Infusion at the highest path, and return that one to the requestor, rather than the one resolved by the standard node module resolution algorithm.

Normally this is completely transparent to users and occurs automatically — however, in some cases users may be surprised by receiving a different version of Infusion than the one they expected — in practice, the one requested by the top-level module in whatever application they are nested in, rather than the one the requested via their own package.json.

This is an architectural risk that we are aware of — in that it requires that all the cooperating modules within an Infusion application are compatible with a single version of Infusion, the one requested at the application's module root. Future work on modularization of Infusion will address this risk by splitting Infusion into several smaller modules, only one of which (responsible for storing and retrieving grade definitions and module paths) requires to be application-global.